Monday, October 15, 2012

Comments on Assignments 2 and 3

Assignment 2 was well done by everyone who submitted it.  Assignment 3 had some more issues, which seemed more like a matter of students rushing to get it done than anything else (i.e., sloppiness).  But it was fairly well done, too.

A few things to remember for future assignments:
  • PLEASE do these changes to make sure your code compiles on all computers.  Marks will be taken off in the future if your code does not compile for these reasons.  Ask if you need help.
  • Also, clear your warnings.  I know they aren't always made by you, but when I see a list of warnings, how will I know from a glance which are yours? It's such a good habit that I will be taking marks off in the future for having warnings.
  • Make sure you read the assignment carefully, and put code in the functions it wants you to put it in.  I wasn't checking for that this time around, but will in the future, and will take marks off for not following the directions.
As always, email or comment here if you have any questions or concerns!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Office Hours Friday October 12

I will be on campus tomorrow afternoon, most likely in my lab for most of the time.  If you would like to visit me in person, please email ahead to make sure I will be there.  I should be on campus from 1pm - 3:30pm at least.

As usual, feel free to email for help instead!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Making Assignment 2 Compile

A few of you have had issues making Assignment 2 compile.  There are a couple of steps to making it work, as follow. (You may need to follow these instructions in addition to this.)

First, you will notice there are issues with some include header files.  The include that has a big long path can just be commented out - the needed header file is already included in the correct way after that line.  You can just remove the include for dxerr9.h as it is not needed.

Second, you'll see issues with the house class.  The files you need exist, but they are not included in the project properly.  If you look under "External Dependencies" in the Solution Explorer, you will find House.h.  You can right click that file and add it to the project.  You'll also need the source file, though.  To get that, right click on the "Source Files" folder in the Solution Explorer, then Add, Existing Item... You'll find House.cpp in the first folder that pops up.

At this point everything should be compiling.  Leave a comment or email me if you are still having issues.