Sunday, September 30, 2012

Upcoming Office Hours

Hi all! I don't see office hours on the website yet, and things are a bit wonky the next couple of weeks anyway, so I wanted to let you know the current plans.

Oct 1-5: I am away at a conference all week, and won't have any office hours.  However, I can answer emails, hopefully within a day or two max.

Oct 5-9: This week I have to go to a conference in Montreal, but only on Wednesday.  I'll probably have office hours on Friday instead of Wednesday.  You can definitely email and expect a quick response.

Rest of the term: My official office hours are going to be Wednesdays 1:00-3:30 in my lab (5317 HP).  I recommend emailing to set up a time to meet me in case I can spread you out and give you individual attention.  I will always be available for help via email and can usually answer within a day (often much less).

Monday, September 24, 2012

Assignment 1 Marking Scheme and Comments

Assignment 1 has now been graded in WebcT.  Here are some comments and how I assigned grades and some suggestions for the future.

Here is the marking scheme I used:
  • In Part 1:
    • Worth 40 marks
    • -10 if the mouse coordinates are wrong (e.g. don't start from 0,0 in the top left)
  • In Part 2:
    • Worth 40 marks
    • -10 if the mouse coordinates are wrong (but won't take these marks off twice if also wrong in Part 1)
    • -20 if both windows work with the right mouse button (instead of one working with the left)
  • In Part 3:
    • Worth 20 marks
    • -20 if it does not appear to be implemented correctly, which includes any window closing even after saying 'no'
    • -10 if you applied this part to Part 1 only, since it would be harder to do for Part 2 with the two windows
    • If you applied this part to Part 2 only, but it worked right, that's ok since it's the harder part
A suggestion for future assignments: since a marking scheme is (unfortunately) not given  ahead of time, think about what sorts of thing I might look for in the completed assignment.  For simple tasks, I will want to see it working fully the way you'd expect it to as a user, even if it's not specified in the instructions.  For example, for part 3 of this assignment, I don't want my window to close if I say I don't want the application to close.

In general, I want to recommend that everyone clear their warnings, even if you didn't produce them.  It's a good software engineering practice to do this because a bunch of trivial warnings can obscure an important one that comes up later.  I'd like to see no warnings when I compile your project, and may take marks off for having warnings in the future.

If your project folder is big, you may not have deleted the build files before zipping it.  Please make sure you keep the size down by removing the build files before submitting.

Finally, please follow the advice from this post from last year to ensure I don't get build errors - I might be inclined to take marks off for having to fix it in the future. ;)

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Hello everyone! I decided to start this blog so that we would have a one-stop place for addressing common issues that come up in assignments and course material.  I will try to share useful resources that I've found and write out solutions to issues I think many students may face.  I will also likely post a list of common issues with completed assignments and refer to that list when I return your work.

I recommend checking back often or subscribing to the RSS.

Please feel free to comment here or email me directly with questions.